If you’re looking for ways to draw in more organic traffic to your website, look no further! In this blog post, we’ll give you an overview of the top strategies for boosting your organic rankings and gaining more visitors. Whether you’re just getting started with SEO or you’ve been working in the industry for years, the information from this post will be invaluable. So, let’s dive in and take a closer look at how to increase your organic rankings and get more traffic!

Quick Answer

Optimizing your website for targeted keywords, creating high-quality, unique content, and building quality backlinks are all key components of improving your organic rankings. An experienced SEO team or consultant can help you develop an effective strategy for improving your rankings.

What Are Organic Rankings?

Organic rankings are the metrics used to define how well a website performs in search engine results when compared to other websites on similar topics. The organic rankings of a website depend on its content and overall visibility compared to similar sites, as well as its position in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). As the name implies, organic rankings refer to those items appearing naturally within a search engine’s results without any paid promotional efforts. Achieving higher organic rankings is essential for any business or individual looking to increase their visibility online, since appearing towards the top of relevant search results can dramatically boost both website visits and brand awareness.

When evaluating website performance in terms of organic rankings, it is important to bear in mind that these are not fixed values. The same website with today’s rankings may appear differently in a different region or within different queries at some point in the future. This means that maintaining good positions in the SERP requires effort and regular tracking so as to ensure optimal results over time. For this reason, regular monitoring of keyword changes and overall site performance should be part of any digital marketing strategy aiming at achieving better organic rankings.

Organic rankings also have varying importance in local vs global contexts. While having high global rankings will clearly bring more visibility, it is often more useful – and economical – for businesses operating locally to focus more on achieving higher local organic rankings instead.

Because organic rankings involve many variables such as content quality, keyword optimization and overall visibility, there is much debate regarding which factor is most important when it comes to managing them. Some argue that ensuring optimized content and proper backlinking is key, while others suggest that focusing on technical SEO such as optimizing mobile experience and page speed is more relevant for keeping up with Google’s changing algorithms. Ultimately, having all aspects of SEO aligned can help ensure your website remains visible across multiple sets of searches and keeps its results from becoming outdated too quickly.

Regardless of the preferred tactics, improving a website’s organic ranking requires ongoing effort and tracking alongside a clear strategy for optimization and promotion. The next section will cover specific techniques for how you can actively improve your website’s organic rankings over time and stay ahead of the competition.

  • According to a 2019 survey of 180 digital marketers, organic search engine rankings are the single most important source for generating website traffic.
  • A 2018 study found that up to 70% of all web traffic comes from organic search engine rankings.
  • Organic search engine rankings can be affected by page speed, content relevance, and other SEO (search engine optimization) factors.

How to Improve Your Website’s Organic Rankings

When working on improving organic rankings, the most important factor to consider is the quality of your website. This includes everything from content, design, and user experience. Quality content is vital for providing an accurate representation of your business, product or service. It should also be optimized for search engine optimization (SEO), including keyword optimization, meta tags, as well as descriptions and titles. Design requires attention to details such as a clear navigation, good page layout and attractive visuals. User experience should include features like a site search function, contact forms, and calls-to-action that are easy to find. By following these steps you can boost your website’s organic rankings in search engines.

At the same time, it’s important to be aware of potential pitfalls. Some people view SEO as just targeting keywords without considering the content quality or even how useful or informative their pages may be. Creating irrelevant content using targeted keywords to trick search engines into ranking this over better content won’t help with your organic rankings long term; instead you risk damaging your reputation and brand by posting poor quality pages that don’t engage users or solve their needs.

Having an up-to-date website with quality content is an important first step towards achieving improved organic rankings and driving more traffic to your website. Now that we have explored how to improve your website’s organic rankings let’s look at how SEO optimization can help you further increase visibility in search engine results.

Key Summary Points

To improve organic rankings, website owners should focus on quality content and design with features like a site search function and clear navigation. Additionally, keyword optimization and meta tags need to be considered for SEO purposes. However, it’s important not to sacrifice quality in favor of trying to trick search engines with irrelevant content. An up-to-date website with quality content is an important first step, while further increasing visibility will require SEO optimization.

SEO Optimization

SEO optimization is essential for improving your organic rankings and driving more traffic to your website. Doing effective keyword research can be considered the building blocks of SEO; selecting the right keywords will determine what content you should create and optimize. Once you have determined these keywords, you must apply them appropriately within the content on your website; include them in the Title Tag, Headings, Body Content, Meta Description and Image Alt Tags. Ensure that your content is written for users in a natural way and does not contain keyword stuffing since it will negatively affect user experience.

Other important aspects of SEO optimization include using relevant internal links to ensure visitors stay longer on the website, optimizing page speed since any delay will discourage customers from visiting the website again and keeping the content up to date so that visitors don’t encounter outdated information. Additionally, local SEO should be taken into consideration if you’re targeting a particular geographical region with your content. Optimizing for local SEO adds value as Google rewards sites with accurate business addresses, opening times and customer reviews as they can provide helpful information to potential customers.

Potential arguments against SEO optimization include it being costly and time consuming due to needing to constantly monitoring technical metrics such as page speed, mobile friendliness and crawlability or having difficulties finding the right balance between optimizations for search engine crawlers/rankings and user experience. Although SEO optimization can be beneficial for businesses in improving organic rankings, there are ways to maximize its effectiveness without putting too much strain on resources.

Having optimized your content for SEO, now it’s time to focus on link building; an essential part of boosting your organic rankings and driving more traffic to your website.

Link Building

Link building is an important factor when it comes to boosting SEO. It helps to build authoritative sources, increase website visibility, and drive organic traffic.

Inbound links (links from other websites) are especially powerful, as they help search engines recognize a website as being trustworthy and relevant. This can ultimately result in a higher ranking on search results pages (SERPs).

Outbound links (links from your website to other websites) can also be beneficial. These can broaden the scope of the content by connecting to related pages that include additional information for readers. Outbound links also show search engines that your content is connected to other reputable sources, which adds credibility and may improve user experience.

However, some experts suggest that link building may not be as effective if it is done incorrectly or placed on irrelevant sources. For example, if low-quality websites include too many outbound links, this could potentially hurt SEO performance due to search engine algorithms flagging it as potentially spammy. Additionally, some experts suggest making sure outbound links are contextual and share value so that users actually follow these links and have a good experience.

When it comes to link building, it is important to understand its potential risks and benefits and use caution in the process. After all, when done correctly – with relevant, authoritative links – link building can be highly beneficial for your organic rankings and get more traffic.

The next step when trying to boost organic rankings and get more traffic is focusing on creating quality content.

Quality Content

High-quality content is a pivotal factor for increasing organic rankings. A website’s content should not just be thoughtful and timely, but it should also be optimized for search engines, giving it the necessary tools to achieve higher rankings. Providing readers with value through original, useful, and engaging content will establish trust and credibility with search engines like Google. When developing high-quality content, one must consider incorporating relevant keywords that fit the context of the given article or page while avoiding keyword stuffing. Additionally, producing blogs that are both relevant and shareable amp up organic traffic as well as backlinks to your website. By providing visitors with valuable content created specifically for them, they’ll spend more time on the page and have an overall improved experience – both of which “send signals” to search engines that your web page is a reputable source for information relating to their query.

It is important to note that there are some drawbacks associated with focusing solely on quality content; namely, if you only focus on producing quality pieces of writing involving lengthy topics that require lots of research, your timeline (and budget) may take a hit as these types of posts take longer to write, edit and publish. While content quality should be at the forefront when creating any material, one must find the balance between being informative, timely and keyword-rich while meeting any specified timelines or requirements from an SEO standpoint.

Ultimately, quality content can build trust among consumers and improve the user experience – both major ranking factors for organic success. However, by keeping an eye on optimization techniques such as keyword incorporation, creativity and abiding by time constraints – brands can hone in a top position in search results without sacrificing quality.

Now that we’ve explored how quality content fits into an effective SEO strategy, let’s look at some common tactics and strategies to get your website ranking in organic search results:

Common SEO Strategies and Tactics

Common SEO strategies and tactics involve a wide variety of methods, all having the end goal of increasing organic search rankings and boosting organic traffic. The strategies used will depend on the type of website or specific business needs. As such, there is no set list of tactics that will guarantee success.

One approach to increasing organic rankings is to increase the quality and quantity of backlinks from other websites. Quality backlinks from influential sites are especially important for getting more organic visits. Another tactic is utilizing proper page optimization, including page titles, meta descriptions, and content optimization with keywords. Differentiating between keyphrases that differ slightly in their intent can also play a crucial role in this area by providing an easy-to-understand experience for users. Furthermore, utilizing tailored practices for mobile search, such as responsive design and revised navigation menus, can greatly improve your overall visibility rankings across devices.

A variety of technical elements should also be considered when developing an SEO strategy. This includes robots txt files to prevent search engines from following broken links or elements deemed unnecessary during crawling, as well as optimizing important structural and visual aspects of the website—such as image file sizes, h-tags, sitemaps, and URL structures—in order to improve user experiences and promote positive signals among different search engine algorithms.

Both off-page SEO activity and on-page SEO activity must be considered if one wants to achieve above average organic rankings across multiple categories or keyphrases within a particular industry. Utilizing these common SEO tactics can help companies gain visibility and higher rankings in their respective industries given the right resources, dedication, and strategic thinking about how best to allocate those resources for maximum return.

Despite popular belief that there are standard approaches which guarantee successful outcomes in terms of SEO ranking improvements; there still remain many controversial debates about when it’s necessary to invest additional efforts into certain specific aspects of SEO optimization or not . It’s up to the discretion of webmasters staking claims on digital assets in various spaces – whether content production strategies yield measurable results over technical optimization (or vice versa) – because each case varies widely depending on the buyers’ journey for alignment with their top initiatives & core targets. Nevertheless, identifying what works best for each website requires an almost scientific approach as stakeholders adjust parameters in order to facilitate further experimentation & enhance performance levels where possible over time.

Having covered some of the most commonly employed techniques related to improving organic rankings; it’s time now to identify which keywords look promising based upon research-based insights – before moving onto account creation processes & other critical tasks leading up to the successful execution & measurement phase after launch!

Identifying Keywords

Identifying keywords is one of the most critical components of optimizing your website for organic search rankings. If you want to get more traffic from organic search results, you need to understand keyword research and identify important keywords that are most likely to be used by your target audience when searching for your content.

When it comes to keyword research, there are two main approaches: short tail and long tail. Short-tail keywords consist of single words or short phrases that generally have high levels of competition and are more expensive to bid on in search engine marketing campaigns. On the other hand, long-tail keywords are longer phrases (usually 3 or more words) that are more specific and usually have less competition, making them cheaper to bid on.

The advantage of focusing on long-tail keywords is that they tend to be better at targeting the right audience because they’re more specific—people who type in longer searches typically have a clearer idea about what they’re looking for. Furthermore, you can use longer phrases to target a wider range of potential customers instead of limiting yourself to a few high-traffic words.

However, it is important to remember that both types of keywords are important for achieving success in your organic search efforts. For example, even though long-tail keywords may be better able to target the right audience, it won’t matter if no one turns up in your search results since the search volume is lower for those phrases compared to shorter queries. This means you should focus on a balanced approach when it comes to keyword selection and consider both short-tail and long-tail phrases.

Now that you understand the importance of identifying relevant keywords for your organic search efforts, let’s move on to how we can track our organic ranking progress over time with various tools.

Tools to Track Your Organic Rankings

Tracking your organic rankings is essential in improving your SEO, as it allows you to measure the success of your efforts. There are a variety of tools available to track your organic rankings, but some may be more effective than others depending on the metrics that you need to evaluate.

One popular tool for tracking organic rankings is Google Analytics. This free service not only provides you with detailed insights about your website’s performance, but also offers reporting on where your traffic is coming from and can help identify keywords with high-ranking potential. Additionally, this tool gives insights into what pages or posts are performing particularly well, which can help you focus future efforts accordingly.

Another useful tool is Search Console, offered by Google as well. It allows you to see how easily search engine crawlers can access and index your web pages and if any errors were encountered in the process. You can also use this tool to test how shared links appear when posted on social media platforms and get an overview of the clicks metrics associated with them.

Lastly, SEMrush is a paid tool that can provide a wealth of data related to organic rankings such as keyword research, competitor analysis and content marketing recommendations. Unlike the previously mentioned tools that provide free services, this one comes with a monthly subscription fee but offers extensive features such as position tracking and site audit reports which many value for their complexly detailed analysis.

Given the variety of options available for tracking organic ranking progress, it is important for business owners to assess which ones make more sense for their particular operations and budget allocation constraints. While more comprehensive paid services offer numerous benefits, free solutions may also be sufficient depending on your goals.

CONCLUSION: Now that we have discussed various tools to track your organic rankings, let’s delve into the conclusion of this article looking at some key takeaways and actionable steps to success going forward.


Organic rankings and traffic are essential for any website, especially one that exists for commercial purposes. The main way to increase organic rankings and traffic is through the use of keywords and strategic search engine optimization techniques. To succeed in acquiring more organic visibility, marketers must ensure they understand their audience’s needs, use relevant keyword phrases to target that audience, write compelling content with those phrases incorporated, focus on user experience as much as possible, and never forget the importance of backlinks. Taking time to do all these tasks correctly will help boost a website’s overall rankings and increase its web traffic significantly.

Some firms may opt to outsource their SEO efforts to marketing agencies or use free SEO tools available online. While having an expert work on your SEO can result in speedy improvements at first, this often proves sustainable only when combined with developing a steady SEO strategy within the company itself. This should include determining which strategies are most likely to yield progress and following them constantly while also adapting as needed.

No matter what strategy you choose, remember that following best practices will always remain very important if you want high organic rankings and improved web traffic. As long as you stick with a comprehensive plan for improving organic search results, it’s only a matter of time until a website makes impressive gains in visibility and engagement from both search engines and users alike.

Answers to Common Questions with Detailed Explanations

How do organic rankings work?

Organic rankings refer to the position of your website in unpaid search engine results, where higher rankings will result in more visibility and thus greater amounts of traffic. Organic rankings are based upon algorithms that take into account various ranking factors including relevance, content, keywords, backlinks, page speed, and other components of SEO. By focusing on these factors one can help improve organic rankings and get more traffic to their site. Additionally, creating high-quality content that is optimized for relevancy and targeted keyword phrases can help increase organic rankings by helping expand your visibility in search engine results.

What are the benefits of organic rankings?

Organic rankings are crucial for generating traffic to your website and for helping your business gain visibility on search engines such as Google. There are several notable benefits to achieving higher organic rankings, including:

1. Increased Visibility – Organic rankings give you a chance to be seen by more people and obtain a higher ranking in search engine results, which in turn leads to increased traffic for your website.

2. Brand Recognition – Having high organic rankings will increase brand recognition, as users may be more likely to recognize your website and trust it when they’re searching for something specific. This can lead to increased conversions and even sales of your products or services.

3. Long-term Benefits – Organic rankings tend to have a long-term effect, meaning that the effects of gaining these rankings can last longer than other forms of marketing or promotion. As long as you consistently maintain high rankings, they will continue to provide benefit to your website.

4. Cost-Effective – Achieving organic rankings is an incredibly cost-effective way of getting more traffic, as there are no need for purchased ads or benefits from link building campaigns. Organic searches are entirely natural and ultimately provide businesses with quality content that’s efficient and budget-friendly.

What strategies can I use to improve my organic rankings?

The best strategies to improve organic rankings are ones that prioritize user experience and provide quality content. The key is to focus on the long-term benefits of creating an effective content marketing strategy, and view each piece of content as an investment for your business. Here are some specific strategies you can use:

1. Create high-quality content regularly: Quality content is crucial for search engine optimization (SEO). Content should be informative and relevant to your target demographic, and should contain keywords related to your business or industry. Posting quality content regularly will help ensure the search engines find and display your webpages more often.

2. Use internal linking: Linking to other pages of your site helps communicate to Google what pages are important and how they relate to each other. It also gives visitors a better experience when they stay on your website longer.

3. Optimize title tags and meta descriptions: Title tags and meta descriptions help define the content in search engine results pages (SERPs), so it’s important to make them accurate and enticing to potential customers. Make sure each page contains SEO-friendly title tags that accurately describe the subject of the page, as well as keyword-rich meta descriptions that include a call-to-action.

4. Build backlinks: Search engines consider backlinks from external websites when ranking websites, so having quality links from reputable sources is key to boosting organic rankings. Reach out to bloggers, influencers, and other industry professionals who might be willing to link back to your website.

5. Keep an eye on competitors: Keeping tabs on how your competitors operate online can give you insight into what strategies they’re using to get ahead in their organic rankings—and how you can do the same. Monitor their website design, SEO strategies, keywords used in blog posts and advertising campaigns, etc.

By following these steps, you can drastically improve your organic rankings, which will in turn increase traffic to your website and potentially boost sales for your business over time.

Last Updated on April 15, 2024

E-commerce SEO expert, with over 10 years of full-time experience analyzing and fixing online shopping websites. Hands-on experience with Shopify, WordPress, Opencart, Magento, and other CMS.
Need SEO help? Email me for more info, at info@matt-jackson.com